
Training platforms: LXP and LMS

Online training can be accessed from a variety of learning platforms. Training centers can opt for LMS or LXP platforms. Each has its own particular features and functionalities. They are chosen in the light of the implications of the different types of training.

What is an LXP training platform?

An LXP training platform is available for in-company training. As the name “Learning Experience Plateform” suggests, its design takes into account the preferences of employees and collaborators. As a result, it features a fully modern, interactive interface.

LXP’s simplicity optimizes learner training. This platform should be a lever for the rapid acquisition of new skills by employees. To achieve this, it features a responsive format, enabling learners to access it from any type of digital medium. It can be a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Thanks to the intuitive interface, learners can leave comments and assessments on the study programs. In addition, using the LXP training platform gives them access to customized content. They are entitled to a private workspace, which becomes a channel for follow-up and support by the trainers.

Apart from these features and functionalities, the LXP platform can be of great benefit to business owners. It is ideal for simultaneous management of employees and collaborators. It encourages learning adapted to each profile.

LXP and LMS training platforms

The basis of training: the LMS platform

An LMS (Learning Management System) platform is a system set up to educate and manage staff. As such, it contributes to the creation of teaching aids for online and face-to-face training courses. It can be likened to software that encourages interaction between 2 main players.

These include learners and an administrator, who can be a single person or an entire team. This includes trainers, managers, etc. The operation of this type of training platform is very simple. The administrator is in charge of the various training courses. He is responsible for building teams and defining learning objectives.

It is also responsible for drawing up teaching content and ensuring that training courses comply with legal requirements. An LMS platform is also equipped with tools and software for analysis and assessment.

As a trainer, the administrator keeps abreast of each employee’s progress, any difficulties encountered, and so on. Learners can access personalized course modules. They have access to a virtual classroom and can voice any concerns or worries they may have.

Good to know about LMS and LXP platforms

LXP and LMS training platforms enable the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in the workplace. They are easy to use and therefore accessible to a wide range of learners. They can access the training from any location.

The use of LXP and LMS platforms is a beneficial solution for a company’s prosperity. This facilitates interaction between employees, collaborators and training teams. Through personalized learning programs and quality coaching, it becomes easier to raise the level of your teams.

Marie Robin

Marie Robin

Marie est une rédactrice et une auteure spécialisée dans toutes sortes de domaines tels que le marketing numérique, le juridique et la finance. Elle écrit pour le magazine Adises Active depuis 2013.