
All about the Sylae service

You may have heard of SYLAÉ. This is a portal for employers, enabling them to submit all their administrative declarations securely online. These are documents relating to their employees’ professional training contracts or other contracts! It’s sure to interest you, as it’s an easy way to access the site without having to deal with registration and other formalities. Which contracts are accepted on SYLAé? What advantages do you see in using this portal? Here’s a zoom on the subject:
-One of the advantages of registering with SYLAé is its ability to offer contractual information;
-To register, you need to enter your company name (or personal identification number), which allows everyone to check the type of data entered;
-The procedure mainly involves filling in a form containing basic information about your company, such as your contact details and your statutory declaration.

Sylae: What’s it all about?

Sylae is an online portal that enables all employers to make administrative declarations quickly and securely. It is aimed at those who benefit from financial aid allocated by the State.
The personal space simplifies the process of declaring (see also: urssaf auto entrepreneur) the situations of a company’s employees according to their employment contract. Administrative procedures can be carried out quickly thanks to an electronic certificate, Sylaé.

Sylaé electronic certificates

In order to send a transmission and ensure that it is authentic, an electronic certificate is required.
Eiducio is a digital certificate that can be used from any terminal. The electronic copy, delivered on a USB key, can be used with all terminals and anything that uses certificates.
You can also obtain the Initio RGS electronic certificate, a software package that can be installed on a computer.

The premium account

The internet portal is dedicated to employers who can benefit from subsidized contracts, so that they can declare the situation of their employees. A premium account with electronic certificates speeds up procedures and enables you to receive financial aid more quickly.

The different types of contract accepted on Sylae

Types of contracts accepted on sylae :
– The single contract for professional integration (CUI) ;
– The future employment contract ;
– The first-hire contract ;
– Professional training contracts and others.

With their various benefits, employers can also benefit from reductions, public subsidies and exemptions for other situations. These include the Fillon reduction on standard low-wage salaries, ACCRE assistance for unemployed people setting up or taking over a business (AID), financial aid allocated by local authorities, and the simplification of LODEOP and LOPOM contributions for overseas departments. Employers can benefit from various advantages when it comes to reducing their employees’ stress levels.

The benefits of Sylae

The Sylae employer space offers considerable advantages for users.

H24 access

Each employer can consult files and monitor their execution in real time. The platform also allows you to enter information at any time, wherever you are: attendance records, bank details….

Secure payment tracking

Payments made in the employer’s personal area can be viewed immediately, and all your payment histories are archived in chronological order. Payments are made quickly and securely, making them easy to track.

Practicality in the absence of paper documents

It’s not always pleasant to have to fill out a lot of paperwork for the administration.
Goodbye paper formats! With sylae, forms and slips can be completed in no time at all. No need to provide pay slips.

More economical approaches

Sending files online is fast, efficient and free. It also saves you the postal delays that result from sending a file by conventional means.

How do I get there?

To access Sylaé, employers are assigned a login account and password as of the order of November 26, 2012. The Sylaé service and payment agency (ASP) is responsible for allocating this new account in accordance with the law.
Employers must transmit specific data on their employees – as specified by the regulations.
– Employee’s identity: full name ;
– The registration number on the individual agreement ;
– The start and end dates of the employment contract;
– Number of absences ;
– Remuneration ;
– The actual end date of the contract ;
– The reason for termination of the employment contract ;
– Number of months of suspension with reasons ;
– Bank details of the employer concerned, to receive aid payments.

The transmission of personal data is compulsory and regulated by law. Employers will be required to use the portal, except in cases of material or technical impossibility.

Also read: Can an employee also be an independent contractor?

Alix Lebrun

Alix Lebrun

Alix Lebrun est auteur pour le magazine Adises Active, spécialisé dans tous les sujets liés aux affaires, au droit et à l'emploi. Elle est titulaire d'une maîtrise en commerce international et d'une licence en communication. Alix écrit depuis l'âge de 12 ans et a toujours aimé partager ses pensées avec les autres par le biais de l'écriture.